Case Study Implementation of Circular Economy Business Models in BiH

Friday, April 29, 2022

Global supply chains have been exposed to major shocks and changes over the last several years. Transition to circular economy that is focused on retaining the value of resources at the highest possible level significantly impacts the supply chain and value chain.

Business organizations approaches to circular economy are based on the concept of circular business model that “articulates the logic of how an organization creates, delivers, and captures value to its broader range of stakeholders while minimizing ecological and social costs.”

In our study of approaches taken by different companies in Bosnia and Herzegovina with respect to circular economy and their implementation of circular activities, we used five business models identified and described in our Case Study Implementation of Circular Economy Business Models in BiH.

Complete analysis of Case Study is available HERE. The executive summary is available HERE.

23 June

Response to Crisis: Maximizing telecoms’ contribution to the economic recovery and digital transformation in BiH

The conference is organized by Centre for Policy and Governance (CPU), supported by Centre for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) US. Structured in two panels, this conference brings together decision makers, representatives of the telecom industry and international expertise.

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